Please make an account on our discord server and talk about your experiences with the game. We are interested in anything you have to say, but here are some questions to get you thinking about what to write.
- Was it fun? Why?
- How did you like the quality/layout/content on the cards in the story deck?
- How was it for you using Tiles?
- Did you use the quest cards? What do you think?
- Please relate any experiences you found fun or hard or easy or not fun.
Telken Lost Rules
- Were the rules easy to understand?
- Do you like the level of complexity presented in the rules? Not enough, too much, just right?
- Was the website easy to navigate initially?
- Please relate any experiences you found fun or hard or easy or not fun.
- What was it like building hands with cards to create actions?
- Did you get into the idea of creating your own powers with effects and such?
- Please relate any experiences you found fun or hard or easy or not fun.
- How did the space in front of the table seem (cards, chips, dice, character sheet)? Crowded? Too much stuff? Too many chips? Did the materials enhance or degrade your enjoyment?
- Did you try character creation? Tell us about the experience.
GM Questions
- Tell us about your experience with combat.
- Tell us about your use of monster cards from the story deck.