New Company

After decades of gaming together and talking about various rule systems, we endeavored to make our own game, keeping the things that made TTRPG in-line with our thinking. We hope you play Telken Lost and enjoy it!

Old Gamers

The team of Tortoise & Tears founded Telken Lost Games backed by a century of gaming experience; covering board games, role playing games, larping, paper-and-pencil, and computer games. And yes, even some sports.

Bill Chamberlain Tortoise

Most recently, Bill taught at Landmark School for 24 years, a school serving students with LBLD. Before that he was a musician and a music student for a couple decades. For the last couple of years, he traveled in Europe while working on Telken. Bill grew up enjoying board games, especially the avalon hill line (eg Stalingrad) and while that's still a passion, computer games are more in the scene. Bill enjoys playing with ideas that mash up concept art, music composition, and writing stories.

Chris Carey Tears

Chris had a 25 year career in software and web development. He loves olympic-style fencing, was ranked in both foil and epee, and is an active volunteer in helping with the technical side of running local tournaments. Chris is an avid computer gamer who grew up with games like Wizardry and Bard's Tale and now combines his skills writing mods for Stellaris. He has also runs a decades-long TTRPG campaign for friends and family, combining fantasy and science, and is now applying his love of story to writing and creating Telken Lost.